Soul Mastery
The Art of Conscious Co-Creation: Awaken to Your Innate, Inner Wisdom
This Training is Different
It’s not exploring or scratching the surface of your potential through dialogue. Rather, it takes you deep into a transformational process that is yours forever.

Your yoga practice assists you in expanding your awareness and gaining practical tools to regulate the nervous system, increase your awareness of your inner state of being and the physical, emotional and energetic body.
With this, come new awareness of aspects of yourself that don’t serve, patterns that are holding you back, new heart-felt desires, and the glimmer of a higher, truer version of yourself.
Awareness is key, yet there are powerful tools that can open up new realms of possibility in terms of your growth, healing and upliftment. That is exactly what this work equips you with.
Follow your bliss...and doors will open where you didn't know they would open and... that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.

This is for you if you:
- Are ready to do the deeper work …
- Are hungry for more with regards to your growth…
- Are ready to clarify and manifest your deepest, most heartfelt desire…
- Have an awareness of certain desires or patterns that are holding you back, but haven’t been able to shift them yet…
- Want a deeper dive into yoga philosophy, powerful meditations, and gentle asana

At a glance:
- Access powerful guided meditations that assist you in integrating powerful tools
- Engage in 8 – 2 hour classes held on Zoom
- Connect with a community of like-minded people to support you on your journey
- Option to engage in further 1:1 coaching + healing work with Kristin
- 15 hr. Continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance
You will become empowered with the tools to:
- Cultivate a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and guidance
- Clarify and take steps towards your deepest, most heartfelt desire
- Gain powerful tools of co-creation
- Learn practical ways to release negativity, challenging emotions, and patterns blocking your clarity, creativity and loving nature
- Clear unconscious blocks
- Deepen in your knowledge of ancient yogic wisdom, powerful guided meditations, breathwork and asana
- All in a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

The Curriculum
Module 1: Awaken to Your Innate Inner Wisdom
There is an inner wisdom that is always guiding you to take the right next step, to experience the highest and most fulfilling possible expression of yourself and your life. As you strengthen this connection, it increases a sense of confidence and trust in yourself, and choices for your highest good become clear.
In this module you will:
- Consciously cultivate the connection with your inner, innate wisdom that is always guiding you
- Learn a practical tool for releasing negativity and creating clarity of thought and greater freedom
- Experience visualization and yoga nidra for deep relaxation and replenishment
Module 2: Cultivating Intention
When the intention is clear, the method appears. Cultivating a clear, positive intention in alignment with your heartfelt desire assists you in focusing your energy, thoughts, feelings, words and actions in alignment with the truest outcome that you desire.
In this module you will:
- Co-create an intention as it relates to your deepest, most heartfelt desire in service of your greatest growth, fulfillment and upliftment
- Learn about intention and commitment as it relates to yoga philosophy
- Access your inner wisdom for guidance as it relates to your intention
Module 3: The Art of Conscious Co-Creation
Co-creation happens, whether consciously or unconsciously in alignment with your words, actions, patterns, and beliefs. Learn practices and tools that assist you in using your strengths and energy intentionally in order to increase your enthusiasm, momentum and cultivate habits in alignment with the outcome you seek.
In this module you will:
- Learn to consciously leverage your strengths in service of bringing forward your deepest, most heart-felt desire
- Learn practical tools to consciously co-create specific areas of your life
- Deepen in your commitment to your intention
Module 4: Awareness of Resistance
There lies a gap between where you are and your desired outcome; this gap is your space of growth. Your challenges represent opportunities for growth; meeting these challenges assists you in the highest and fullest expression of yourself and your life.
In this module you will:
- Identify patterns of resistance + competing intentions in service to greater awareness, flow and freedom
- Learn experiential tool that assists in clearing patterns that have been holding you back
- Learn to see resistance as an opportunity for your healing, upliftment and growth
Module 5: Working with Resistance: Going Deeper
Experiencing resistance, challenges or areas of opportunity for growth is a normal part of the human experience. With the right support and tools, you can learn ways to navigate areas of challenge with more ease, grace and confidence, learning to utilize each challenge as an opportunity for self-exploration, growth and upliftment
In this module you will:
- Identify the major resistances that are holding you back from bringing to fruition your heartfelt desire
- Understand challenge in the greater context of your growth and upliftment
- Learn to apply the powerful tool of compassion to work with challenge
- Experience visualization, meditation + gentle yoga movement
Module 6: Deepening in Your Knowing
Moving through the world with a sense of resistance feels uncomfortable, and you might have a sense of wanting a more ease-filled experience. You may worry that you can’t have what you want; these are common experiences and yet, they can leave you feeling alone. In this module, you will deepen in your ability to be with and embody practices in order to shift the patterns, feelings or beliefs that are most holding you back.
In this module you will:
- Experience the power of non-resistance
- Access greater levels of acceptance in order to free up energy held in patterns of resistance
- Learn to identify and upgrade the beliefs that influence all parts of your life
Module 7: Cultivating Joy, Gratitude + Self-Honoring Choices
Creating self-honoring choices, habits and rituals assists you in living into the highest expression of yourself and your life. As you experience greater acceptance, gratitude and peace you are able to access greater resilience and resourcefulness as it relate to life’s challenges as well as have more energy, abundance and fulfillment.
In this module you will:
- Gain a deeper understanding with regard to what is important to you as it relates to your values and what brings you fulfillment
- Experience the positive impact of practicing gratitude
- Learn practical tools for cultivating self-honoring habits, choices and greater states of joy
Module 8: Integration + Celebration: Bringing it all together
In this module you will:
- Experience powerful ritual as it relates to your next steps
- Integrate your growth + the tools that you have learned
- Deepen in your connection with like-minded allies
Are you ready to shift your consciousness?
I invite you to trust yourself, and commit to exploring these profoundly transformational tools to assist you in this realization.