“I began to forgive, on a deep level, the grievances I had been carrying towards my mom. I feel more energized, lighter + free.”
Before I started doing this work, I felt stressed, tired, and sad but didn’t know why. I had a lot of unresolved issues related to my mom, dad and sister that pulled on my energy and weighed me down, but did not know how to resolve them.
Now, I have more energy and motivation for the things that are important to me including my relationships with my children, husband, the things that I enjoy. I have even reconnected with family members whom I previously was estranged from and have started dancing again and spending time in nature; I feel more energized, lighter and free.
What is the biggest shift you’ve experienced since we’ve begun working together?
Mom: I had a lot of hurt with my mom and still carried a lot of resentment towards her. I began to understand that the way she treated me had nothing to do with me, and I began to forgive, at a deep level, the grievances I had been carrying towards her.
We’ve been able to reconnect and instead of our conversations being basic and on the surface, we have a deeper understanding of each other; we have better communication and we are more open to knowing each other more.
Disposition: I used to feel frustrated and easy to anger, or feel annoyed. Now I have more patience. I learned to meditate and do breathing exercises regularly that help me relax so that when I do get frustrated, I have more space between my thoughts, feelings and reactions, so that I think before I react.
Dad: I had a really special relationship with my dad and always felt that he was “my keeper,” one of the closest people to me, but I had unresolved grief around his passing, and still felt a lot of sadness and emptiness, especially because I couldn’t be with him before he passed.
Through this work I was able to connect with my dad’s Soul, and began to more fully feel his presence and experience a greater sense of integration and peace/acceptance with his loss, knowing that he is with me even if not physically.
What is your favorite tool + how do you use this in your day to day life?
I was able to use compassionate self-forgiveness to forgive a lot of grievances that I was holding towards my mom and sister, and this freed me up to be more present and available to our relationship as it stands here and now. I dialogued with my father’s Soul, and felt a new found connection with him; this was really powerful for me. With this work I have been able to heal at a Soul level, the previous pain that I was experiencing from childhood; I feel grateful and more free.